Monday, July 28, 2008

must remember

the marvelous thing about the friends that I have is that most are as silly as I am - rants, introspections, non-sense mental wanderings.....simply great.

Dennis and Debby - on safari - now Debby is tracking an elusive, mirror spider..................

But I must remember that among my friends I have two that are special - they are the photographers - so this blog is a promise to them that I will endeavor to make sure that I capture their digital images for them. Ian - I did pretty good on the golf course and the Safari Tour but I will continue to work at it. For my friend, Z, who takes so many pictures of our motorcycle trips - I apologize - we have not captured you very often - and you are even more photogenic than Ian.....

for Daphne and Steven - you let Ian get away with eating Jaffa cakes and sipping tea whilst you worked the locks and narrow boat !! I have it on good authority that he can and did do that sort of thing in Florida!! Although, I am not sure what he was doing in this picture....

Here he is dusting off his hands after actually getting off of our conveyance and closing and securing the gate !!!!

Florida sure is flat !!! and we are in Highlands County !!!


Daphne said...

Ah, well, Ian claims he was merely drinking tea and eating Jaffa cakes - - but he did help with the locks too, and he made a great video of the trip which I hope you might see one day. Good to read another post on your blog - please write more!

Debby said...

I coulda got that spider in my mirror if I had a bigger gun!

You know I'm going on a 'real' safari soon. I'm thinking I'll take Ian as the photographer so I can just enjoy!